Friday, August 26, 2011


"Lyre", believe it or not, did not start out as a piece intended to represent a musical instrument, or indeed music in any sense. It began with a simple sketched circle, around which I kept adding shapes that I found compositionally pleasing. Perhaps this is the subconscious influence of my musician brother and many musical friends. Most people immediately see it as an instrument of some nature, but I will never forget the baffled look of an elderly couple who were studying it in a gallery. The gentleman turned to his wife and said, "Martha, what in the begeezus do you think it's supposed to be?", to which she replied, "My goodness, John -- I haven't the foggiest idea." 
(Please note: I apologize for the lesser quality of this photo. These pieces are extremely difficult to photograph, and the shots seen in this blog were taken by different people at different times. Some came out better than others.)